I Design & Build
Creative, Scalable Products

Let's make something special TOGETHER!
Mher Shahinyan
Mher Shahinyan
about me

Need a Creative Product?
I can Help You!

I have always been passionate about science and tech, moreover I’m a developer who is eager to build clean web applications with intuitive functionality. Over the years I have been working in various companies, both product centric and outsourcing, offering the best web solutions for projects of different complexities.

I have advanced proficiencies in PHP (Laravel), JavaScript (Vue and Nuxt js) and I’m familiar with SQL. I also have a solid foundation in RESTFULL API and Node.GSJ. During my projects I’ve developed excellent customer service skills and gained a lot of knowledge to implement in my future works. I would like to join a team where I’ll have an opportunity to develop my professional skills and to share my comprehension, whether it IT or business related.

my skills

What My Programming
Skills Included?

I develop simple, intuitive and responsive user interface that helps users get things done with less effort and time with those technologies.


{{ experienceYears }}+ Years of Experience

I have been developing sites and apps for {{ experienceYears }} years and i know for sure the main trends and directions of modern design, I have been a visionary and a reliable software engineering partner for world-class brands. You will get a decent result as you expect.

  • my works

    See My Works Which
    Will Amaze You!

    I develop a quality product that will serve you for many years. A well-documented, clean, simple and elegant interface helps any non-technical client. Below you can find all the projects that were created by me, or where I was directly involved.

  • {{ work.title.en }}

    {{ work.date.en }}

Have You Any Project?
Please Drop a Message

Get in touch and let me know how i can help.


Here you can find out
some examples of code

Get in touch and let me know how i can help. Fill out the form and i’ll be in touch as soon as possible.